
4.3 ( 1473 ratings )
效率 视频 效率 摄影与录像
开发 Chas Jarrett

Quickfire is a video player for anyone who wants advanced control over their movies.
Written by VFX Supervisor Chas Jarrett - it gives you many useful features not found in any other player.

Feature summary:
Create unlimited playlists, draw directly onto videos, colour correct movies, add/export typed notes, bookmark and snapshot frames, flip/flop, add masking and timecode/frame-counter overlays, zoom, variable playback rate and much more......

Feature list:
▪ Playlists
....Drag and drop folders or video files to create playlists of videos
....Search, sort and reorder videos
....View as List or Thumbnail tiles
....Save your Quickfire sessions (with all their playlists/colour corrections/bookmarks etc) to easily organise your video collections by theme or project
▪ Playback Controls
....Easily step from video to video with up and down arrow keys
....Play forwards, backwards and frame-by-frame (use JKL hotkeys to control playback direction)
....Variable playback rates (0.2 - 5 x normal)
....Loop Movie/Loop Playlist, and Play Movie Once/Play Playlist Once repeat options
....Trim Handles with user defined head & tails (can be used to play selection)
▪ Drawing Tools
....Draw onto individual video frames (useful for adding notes and marking-up)
....Brush and eraser tools with variable colour, line-width and opacity
....Drawings can be played back in realtime or hidden during playback
....Use the Snapshot feature to save images with drawings
▪ Colour Grading
....Grade each video with RGB/CYM, gamma, exposure, saturation, brightness and contrast controls
....Copy and paste grades between videos
....Paste to all or selected videos
....Use the Snapshot feature to save images with grade
▪ Bookmarks
....Bookmark individual frames in a video
....Jump to bookmarks with hotkeys - or by clicking bookmarks in list
....Name your bookmarks for easy navigation
▪ Notes
....Add typed notes to each movie
....Add coloured flags to each movie (Red, Yellow, Green)
....Export notes and flags as .rtf (for emailing) or .csv (for import into spreadsheet/database applications)
....Dual notes fields with customisable titles (IE "Animation Notes" and "Directors Notes")
▪ Advanced Display Features
....Masking (1.66, 1.77, 1.85, 2.0, 2.35 and 2.40 ratios)
....Mask Opacity (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%)
....Frame Counter overlay
....User defined frame-counter start number (handy of you have slate or bars at beginning of movies)
....Timecode overlay
....Filename overlay
....Mirror image on X and/or Y axes
....Zoomable image with click and drag to pan the image
....Hotkeys for 1:1 Pixel Scale, Scale Up, Scale Down and Fit Viewer
▪ Audio
....Save audio track to file (as .wav)
....Remove current audio tracks
....Link audio file to movie
....Save movie with current audio (does not save grade or drawings (yet!)).
▪ Snapshot images
....Snapshot while graded, zoomed, mirrored, masked and with overlays and drawings if visible
....PNG or JPG with compression settings
....User defined resolution and filename